
College Decision Time
Nov 2015

College Decision Time

Remember when LeBron James was deciding what team he wanted to play for next and he called a press conference to make his announcement?  I guess you get tired of being asked where you are headed next so you do something extreme (or creative) to help you make a big announcement and share the information with your audience.

So when it came time to manage my son’s college decision process I took the same approach.  The days of taking a look at a couple of schools are over.  So much effort is put into the applications and official visits to make an informed decision the student and family grow tired of family and friends asking where he was going to end up. I created a graphic that showed the hats of the seven schools that he narrowed it down to and titled it, “The Decision.”  We included a “Stay Tuned” notation as well.

Sharing this via social media and email informed everyone of the choices and upcoming decision.   In the end he chose the University of South Carolina and all is well.


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